Thursday, July 21, 2016

Help with TMD Pain

Pain and stiffness from TMD can cause major frustration. It can be difficult to understand, especially when first diagnosed. Dipika Shah, DDS of Holmdel, NJ can treat TMD to get you back to feeling like yourself.

Some of the things you can do at home when you are in pain. Eat soft diet, do not open your mouth to the point where it hurts, limit your jaw movement, Move your jaw side to side gently,do this until you begin to feel your jaw and facial muscles release and relax. Aplly warm moist heat in the front of your ears every 15-20 minutes on and off, walk staright with head aligned with your spine. 

If any of these suggestions begin to make your symptoms worse, do not continue with them. To set up your appointment with  Dipika Shah, DDS in our Holmdel, NJ dental practice, call our office at (732) 264-8180 or visit our website,

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